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Kindle Money Mastery Review: Can It Really Make You 10K a Month?


Grammarly Writing Support

Kindle Money Mastery is a series of step-by-step lessons that teaches you how to make independent income from self-publishing for the Kindle and selling your books on the Amazon marketplace. You can even hire other people to write for you, so you don’t have to write the book yourself.

Stefan Pylarinos has made millions selling e-books online, and claims that his step-by-step instructions will help anyone earn up to six figures selling Kindle books through Amazon.



What Do You Get With Kindle Money Mastery? 

The Kindle Money Mastery course includes over 30 step-by-step instructional videos. The videos are broken down into various tabs:

  • Selecting a profitable niche
  • Keyword analysis
  • Selecting a title that sells
  • Creating a Kindle book
  • Preparing your book for publishing
  • Setting up a KDP account
  • Viewing your kindle book
  • Acquiring Amazon reviews
  • How to market your Kindle book
  • Using social media (namely Facebook and Titter) to promote your book
  • Additional strategies for promoting your book
  • Increasing your Amazon keyword rankings to get more sales
  • Setting up your Amazon author central account
  • Monetizing your kindle book
  • Creating a series of books and monetizing the back end
  • Handling with negative reviews
  • Scaling your book to increase sales
  • Long term strategy to increase profitability of your book
  • How to manage, track and improve your kindle books

The course also includes access to Pylarinos’ personal tool box of tools and resources that he uses in managing his Kindle business.

It also includes bonus lessons covering:

  • Outsourcing and automation using virtual assistants
  • Kindle publishing goal setting
  • Philosophy for success and changing your mindset
  • Secret ritual for scaling up your Kindle publishing
  • Tax requirements for non-US citizens
  • Creating an LLC or corporation for your Kindle business
  • Kindle business accounting basics


What Does Kindle Money Mastery Cost?

The cost for the Kindle Money Mastery course is $97 (although it is likely that you can find an affiliate link with a lower price tag), and has a 30-day money-back guarantee.

There are also a number of upsells, of course. Unfortunately, one of the upsells includes access to the members-only Facebook group, which is also the best route to any product support.


Kindle Money Mastery Review


Is Kindle Money Mastery Worth It?

On the one hand, Kindle Money Mastery delivers what it promises. Not a six-figure income, but a step-by-step plan for complete beginners to start making money from publishing Kindle books on the Amazon marketplace. Over time, more experienced self-publishers will want more advanced, in-depth information and will go on to learn more, but this is a good starting place.

On the other hand, it teaches practices that are questionable and unethical, and exploits the Amazon marketplace in a way that is not intended, if not outright violating the terms of service. Pylarinos teaches you to:

  • Hire cheap overseas writers online to create all your books
  • The books are low-quality (including Pylarinos’ own books), with no proofreading, fact-checking, or editing
  • Create false author profiles and pages to make it seem that the books are written by experts in the subject matter
  • Trade five-star reviews with other people in the members-only Facebook group to increase your visibility on Amazon
  • Every book you “write” needs to include upsells for your other books, as Pylarinos’ own books do

He also mentions outsourcing to Fiverr. While this service may be fine for other tasks, quality writing can’t be bought for $5. Good quality writing can cost you thousands of dollars for a book.

In short, the “books” created and sold through this system have no value for the reader, but he teaches you to skew the reviews to disguise that fact, and the use of fake author identities prevents negative repercussions from landing on your own author page or identity.

The problems and concerns arising from such practices are covered extensively by journalists, in this great article by The Washington Post or this one from The Digital Reader.

While Pylarinos’ own financial success proves that the system works, it may not be sustainable. An author may gain a negative reputation, Amazon review standards or compensation practices may change, and short-changing your readers is not a long-term way to make a living as an author.

If you are interested instead in becoming a real author and earning money in the Kindle marketplace, consider investing in actual online courses that teach this material, like this one from Udemy as a good place to start.

Lack of Support and Training

Writing and publishing a book is a complex process. Besides that, you have to deal with legal issues, formatting, and promotions.

Without support or a community, there is a lot of room for error. There is a member only Facebook group but not adequate support to help you if you decide to do the Kindle Money Mastery.



There are thousands of ways to scam and cheat people and make money doing it. Kindle Money Mastery is one, demonstrating how to make money off the Kindle marketplace without going through the trouble of actually writing a book.

It’s in the same ethical ballpark as buying an online degree to get a job you aren’t qualified for, catfishing someone on a dating app, or joining an MLM scheme – not technically illegal, but not something that a person of integrity does.

If those things don’t concern you, then Kindle Money Mastery does create a path toward earning (relatively) easy money, although probably not as much money as Pylarinos claims. It’s an effective strategy, and in that sense, the product is not a scam.

However, the product you will be creating and selling as a result of using this program is a scam. Pylarinos’ methods teach you how to scam readers and game the Amazon marketplace. Your readers will be disappointed and unhappy, and you will have created a fake author profile in order to deflect criticism. It’s an unethical way to make money, and not a long-term sustainable process.


Have you used Kindle Money Mastery before? I’d love to hear your view of the product?



Kindle Money Mastery





  • Gracen

    Hi Erica, your review on Kindle Money Mastery product is great, in fact newbies need more of reviews like this to know the right program to get involved with. Funny thing is that most of these products that teaches mastery in writing especially the one under review, has nothing new to offer. The information they provide can easily be sourced for free online and through youtube videos. Newbies need to wake up to the importance of research and not parting with their hard earned money buying products that are not worth it.

    It is quite unfortunate that the creator advise people to source for cheap writers, doing so will result to low quality content which will be of no use to the buyer.

    Thanks a lot for bringing this to light.

  • Louis

    Working from home us quickly picking up pace, as more people are beginning to make substantially good income from the comfort of their bedroom. I also have started looking at this option, after I just got laid off. It’s awful how little hob security is today.

    I was going to sign up for the Kindle money mastery but your post has helped me see how unethical this is. Thanks for sharing, regards

    • Erica

      Hi Louis, I’m sorry to hear about your work situation. It is helpful to have something on the sidelines, isn’t it?

      Glad I could be of assistance with Kindle Money Mastery.

  • Olanike

    In my experience, their is no free money anywhere. Many online marketers of bogus product claims to be able to offer what is obviously a scam service or product. From the review of the kindle money mastery, I see it as one of those scam site and run bye the fallen angels of the web.

    in my humble opinion i have decided to distance myself from anything that looks too good to be true. Once beaten twice shy.

  • Linda

    Hi Erica,

    No, I have not used Kindle Money Mastery before and after reading this review, I won’t be using it in the future. I really appreciate you giving me a heads-up about the unethical practices that are promoted within this course. I would love to become an author and sell through the Amazon Marketplace. At first blush, this product appears helpful. But when and if I pursue my goal, I will do so in an ethical manner. Thanks for the useful info!

  • Fortune

    Thanks for sharing this article on Kindle  money mastery. Your time and effort in sharing this is appreciated. Well as it is, kindle mastery money seems to have a good video training courses to give out to the members in writing and publishing a book. But my concerned is the use of pylarino method which is known to scam people. At this point it’s a freedom of choice to join KMM. As for me I can’t join for now. Thanks for sharing this article. 

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