Blogging Guru Blueprint Review
Blogging,  Reviews

Blogging Guru Blueprint Review: Can You Really Make $1K a Month Blogging?

Grammarly Writing Support


Blogging Guru Blueprint points out that it’s not difficult to make money from a blog. Unlike many similar products, it doesn’t boast outrageous claims about how much money you can earn online. It says that all you need is to have a good website, have good traffic, and then turn it into a business to generate income.

However, having a good website with high traffic and affiliate income isn’t as simple as Patric Chan makes it seem. If it were so simple, everyone would do it. But Blogging Guru Blueprint offers a simple, step-by-step training to teach you how to start from nothing and earn $1,000 a month or more on your own blog.


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How Does it Work?

The training is mainly broken up into three modules.

  • The first step will be teaching you how to set-up a blog, grow and scale it. They also show you how to get hosting.
  • They then show you how to drive organic traffic to your blog. You will also learn how to build your email list.
  • The last step will be on how to monetize your blog.

In the next section, we will go into more detail about what each module consists of.


What Do You Get with Blogging Guru Blueprint?

Blogging Guru Blueprint has three core lesson modules, in the form of step-by-step video lessons.


Module #1 has 13 step-by-step videos that cover: 

  • How to build a WordPress website
  • How to buy a domain name and get hosting for your website
  • How to install WordPress, themes, and content
  • How to use widgets
  • How to make your WordPress site user-friendly
  • How to change your site quickly and easily
  • How to speed up your blog loading times
  • How to create and manage posts
  • How to find and install themes
  • How to optimize your site
  • How to implement mobile-friendly design


Module #2 includes 48 step-by-step video lessons that cover: 

  • How to turn your website into a blog
  • How to use videos to generate sales
  • How to present an offer to your visitors
  • How to write blog post titles that get attention
  • How to use blog post title templates to generate compelling titles
  • A bonus video course that teaches:
    •  How to create powerful emails
    • How to add valuable gifts
    • How to write emails that build trust and convert
    • How to create fans instead of just subscribers
    • How to build an autoresponder and get a web code
    • How to add an autoresponder to your website
    • How to create squeeze pages on your website
    • How to create and use exit popups


Module #3 has 75 step-by-step videos and over 10 hours of lessons that cover: 

  • How to create, publish, and promote content that attracts an audience
  • How to optimize your site for search engine rankings
  • How to use social media to become a “thought leader”
  • How to get visitors and leads referred to you from other websites
  • How content marketing helps your business to grow
  • How to use Slide Share to attract more traffic
  • How viral content to attracts millions of visitors
  • How to create and promote free tools to boost traffic
  • How to research and organize keywords to attract traffic
  • How to decide what and when to publish content
  • How to amplify your content to reach a wide audience
  • How to use WordPress plugins to optimize your website
  • How to make your WordPress site mobile responsive
  • How infographics can attract traffic
  • How to speed up your WordPress website
  • How to set up a Facebook page to promote your brand
  • How to get referred traffic from other websites
  • How to use a “secret website” to get links, traffic, and authority


Special Bonuses

The Blogging Guru Locker App “locks” your content and generates affiliate commissions. This software allows you to embed buttons in videos, even free videos from YouTube, to promote affiliate products. It can also be used to require a subscription before viewing.

The Commission Miner Course teaches how to create big commission checks, make profits off of other vendor’s promotions, add your bonus offers to a vendor’s sales page, and instantly boost your online income.


Blogging Guru Blueprint Review


What Does Blogging Guru Blueprint Cost?

Blogging Guru Blueprint costs $47, and has a full 60-day money back guarantee. However, because some of the WordPress themes, settings, and options have changed, the course is now on sale for $23.50 because the videos aren’t completely accurate for reference.


Is Blogging Guru Blueprint Worth It?

Blogging Guru Blueprint involves a lot of downloading. The video lessons aren’t viewable online, so you need to download all the videos and PDFs for every course. For those with limited hard drive space or slow internet connections, this can be time-consuming. It would be nice to have a better online interface, where you could watch the videos and perhaps even track your progress.

It’s also a bit disingenuous to suggest that anyone at any skill level can make money online without creating any original content. Blogging Guru Blueprint suggests that you can simply “curate” other online content, including blog posts and videos, to boost your own traffic and revenue. Copying content can also reduce SEO, so it’s not a great approach to creating a successful blog.

A large percentage of the lessons simply involve how to use WordPress, which is something you can easily learn for free with existing WordPress tutorials, YouTube videos, and other online resources.

Those caveats aside, Blogging Guru Blueprint is very affordable, and does contain some valuable information, in simple, easy-to-understand terms. It’s not a plan for experienced online entrepreneurs, but might be a good place for a beginner to start.


My Conclusion

Blogging Guru Blueprint is guilty of making it seem like anyone can have a financially successful blog with no experience and no effort, and that’s simply not true. Creating consistently good, engaging content is difficult. Boosting traffic is difficult.

Monetizing beyond a few dollars a day is difficult. If it were easy, everyone would be doing it. However, the program is affordable and does contain some useful, albeit basic, information. If you have the interest and bandwidth to download 10+ hours of videos, it may be a good investment to help you get started as a blogger.



If you are after a program that is a little more robust, which will provide you everything you need to know in order to make money from blogging and affiliate marketing, then I recommend the place where I’ve learnt everything I know.

This program and community give you all the tools you need to learn how to build a profitable blog and more.




Or click here to read my review:)


Thanks for reading!



Blogging Guru Blueprint Review





  • Lok Which

    This is interesting . Imust commend you for taking your time to share this review you must have done a lot of research. I must give you kudos for not painting this program as a get rich quick via blogging although I’m not into it but this is the only site I have seen that has made a detailed review of program like this without over hyping. I will start following you to get more updates 

  • Greg Cook

    Hi Erica. Thanks for all that useful information about Blogging Guru Blueprint. I agree with you, anything that makes it sound so easy and says you can succeed with almost no effort is not telling you the truth.

    It makes me realize just how good your recommendation of Wealthy Affiliate is. After starting just over a year ago, I can honestly say there is no better place to go for Affiliate Marketing training. It’s second to none.

    Thanks for a great post.

    • Erica

      Hi Greg, I totally agree with you, Wealthy Affiliate is an excellent place to learn all about affiliate marketing, especially for the beginner. Thanks for reading!


    Hi Erica, I have read through this article carefully and I’m really amazed.  Could a program be this beautiful? I love the way each of the steps involved was outlined and summarized.  I find the involvement and support offered by Blogging Guru Blueprint very encouraging, and also the cost is reasonably affordable. Thanks for this information. This formula for blogging is quite attractive and achievable as this is not a get rich quick ads. Thanks you for the thorough research done.

  • afolabi anumicheal

    Nice review there on blogging guru blueprint ,am really impress reading this review review, although this is my first time of hearing about blogging guru blueprint but will always I read in this review it really show that it really a good program for newbie but not the best. I like the fact that you made mention of WA as the best place to start. I have been a member for a while now and I must say it has been 

  • Brent

    You did a great job in here. This article on guru blogging blue print is really loaded with right steps needed to make passive income from opening a site, generating traffic and monetizing. Many are of the opinion that online money making is just straight ahead without effort. That’s not true. I agree that the right place to get equipped for blogging and affiliate marketing is through wealthy affiliate. Great job.

  • Topazdude

    This article is really loaded with helpful information to some extent. I commend the efforts of the admin for reviewing this program. Yes, Blogging Guru Blueprint points out that it’s not difficult to make money from a blog, but to my opinion without checking out the program k can sincerely say on my journey on this business so far, real results producing training is inevitable if purpose to make it big online. I can say what the program offer is still good to some extent for beginners. I must confess Blogging Guru Blueprint doesn’t worth the fee charged as most of the training can be gotten online for free and it style of download before viewing is just a huge deficiency in management of this program because I can even share those videos with other new members without allowing to pay for their own subscription too.

  • Nick

    Hey Erica,

    Thanks for your review. As an aspiring blogger, I often find myself tempted to spend money on additional online courses.

    It’s easy to get lost in the trap of taking course after course rather than focusing on generating high-quality, original content as you suggest! Also, I’ve found Wealthy Affiliate to be an excellent community – great place to get any questions you might have answered and tons of helpful tips and advice from other bloggers and marketers.

    I’d also like to add that I love your website design… mine is light-years behind.


    • Erica

      Hi Nick, thanks for your comments! I’m glad that you enjoy Wealthy Affiliate too, it is an excellent resource to fall back on to. Glad you like the site design – this is actually a free theme too, and I haven’t done much to it really. It’s called Ashe, and in a WordPress theme, in case you are interested 🙂 Best of luck with your blog!

  • Whitedove1

    I absolutely love what I read in this insightful article because it is full of great information. This is fascinating and interesting to me. Your review are honest and very truthful. Blogging require sweat, energy and hard work. Blogging guru blueprints will be best for blogging and it’s price is pocket friendly compare with the information it provides. Thanks for the information and the well detailed of your site. Best regards 

  • osinachi1

    Thanks for all the useful information about Blogging Guru Blueprint and I totally agree with you because anything that makes it sound so easy and says you can succeed with almost no effort is not telling you the real truth. It makes me realize just how good your recommendation of Wealthy Affiliate,  After starting few days ago, I can honestly say there is no better place to go for Affiliate Marketing training than wealthy affiliate. I hope to be able to get some useful tips on how to earn more online.

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