Author Platform Rocket Review

Author Platform Rocket Review: Indi Author Marketing Services

The #1 Writing Tool


For many people, they imagine that the difficult aspect of earning money as a self-published author is writing your book. However, once your book is published, it is all too easy for it to get lost in the vast amount of content available, and never be seen or generate sales. Author Platform Rocket is a service dedicated to helping self-published authors grow their audience.

By developing email marketing campaigns, newsletter ads, and other promotional activities, they boost audience engagement and book sales. They also have a popular podcast designed to feature and support independent authors, and an active social media presence.


What Do You Get With Author Platform Rocket?

Author Platform Rocket offers three kinds of services for independent authors.

Email Marketing Services

Author Platform Rocket will manage your email list to grow your subscribers and develop an audience that is engaged and excited for your books. These long-term direct relationships help to build your audience and boost sales.


Newsletter Promotions

Author Platform Rocket has popular websites and newsletters related to specific fiction sub-genres. Some of their popular newsletters are dedicated to vampire novels, romance novels, and sci-fi/fantasy novels, and they have a total subscriber base of over 3 million people. Author Platform Rocket will advertise your new book in these genre-specific newsletters, exposing your book to a new audience that is devoted to your genre.


Comprehensive Marketing Services

Author Platform Rocket also offers more comprehensive marketing services, including email marketing, newsletter promotions, and Facebook ads. This service is designed to free up authors from the task of marketing, giving them more time to write.

Thanks to their $1 million total ad budget, they can secure Facebook, AMS, and BookBub advertising at a lower price than an individual would be able to, reducing the cost of these services for you.


Author Platform Rocket also offers training and support regarding marketing your book, managing a launch, promotional giveaways, and more ways to boost your visibility and increase sales.


Author Platform Rocket Review


What Does Author Platform Rocket Cost?

The different levels of Author Platform Rocket services have different rates, and the comprehensive services have customized rates depending on your needs.

Their basic automated service includes a newsletter with automated subscriber capture, hand’s free-marketing campaigns, and training and support. The service costs $197/month plus a minimum $3/day ad spend, plus the cost of producing your own prizes for quarterly promotional giveaways.

The elite service/agency program has customized services and pricing, and you need to apply for that program. Generally speaking, it costs $2,100/month.


Is Author Platform Rocket Worth It?

Author Platform Rocket has a lot of compelling author testimonials on their website, which one would expect. Authors who use the service claim that it does, in fact, increase their email lists and boost the number of engaged subscribers.

In terms of whether it’s worth it, it depends on where you are as an independent author. Remember that email subscribers are not a one-to-one equation for book sales, so a 500 person email list doesn’t mean that you’ll sell 500 copies of your book. The amount you spend on promotion and advertising needs to be assessed realistically in terms of how much you can reasonably expect to generate in book sales, and your goals as an author.

Generally speaking, Author Platform Rocket is a great option for authors who already have a subscriber base, a back catalog of books, and some existing book sales. For authors in that situation, Author Platform Rocket can help you in several ways:

  • Grow and refine your existing newsletter and email marketing
  • Provide strategies to help you get more reviews
  • Train you on how to best manage new book launches
  • Develop a marketing plan that generates more ongoing money from your existing books
  • Build, test, and refine an advertising strategy
  • Analysis, optimization, and tracking for your author profile, your sales, and your budget
  • Market research for your books and your genre

Many independent authors who are just launching their careers are not in the best position to benefit from these services, which can be both overwhelming and expensive for beginners.

Author Platform Rocket isn’t the right fit for everyone, but they have a lot of materials available to help you determine if it’s a good fit for you. Their YouTube channel has several lengthy videos that layout author and book marketing strategies, and their podcast is also helpful for understanding more about their services and their approach to author marketing.

In terms of similar, but alternative, services, there isn’t anything exactly like Author Platform Rocket. You can use email subscription growth tools, companies, or strategies; you can either conduct your own ad campaigns or hire someone to manage social media ads for you; or you can conduct your own market research and business analysis and track the results, but Author Platform Rocket offers all of those things, with a unique insight into the needs and challenges of independent authors, and a unique platform that connects them directly to engaged audiences. Other book marketing agencies simply do not have active newsletters with millions of engaged readers likely to be interested in your books.


My Conclusion

Being an independent author and advertising your book is different from other advertising and marketing projects, which is why having a specialized company is a great idea. It’s also a fact that marketing is not just a full-time job, it’s a career, and millions of people spend decades in the field.

While modern tools allow authors to do their own marketing, doing it correctly and effectively takes a lot of time, study, testing, and research, and most authors would prefer to spend that time writing. Author Platform Rocket might be just the tool you need to take your book sales to a whole new level, so it’s a good idea to check them out and determine if it’s a good fit for you.



Do you use Author Platform Rocket? I’d love to hear your feedback – please leave a comment below and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.




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