• How to Make Money From Home Using a Computer
    Advice,  Affiliate Marketing,  Blogging

    How to Make Money From Home Using a Computer: The No Brainer Method!

        Seriously. It’s a no-brainer. The best way to make money from home using a computer is through affiliate marketing. I’ve spoken about affiliate marketing in many of my other blog posts, but I just wanted to mention it again today, as I believe it is really the best way to make a real and continuous income from your computer.   And it doesn’t even take that much money to set up. What it DOES take is a commitment, great work ethic, and perseverance to see it through to the end.   You might be asking how much you need to get started. Well, it’s really not that much.…

  • Advice,  Affiliate Marketing

    All Good Things Take Time… Why You Need Patience To Be Successful…

    All good things take time. This is something that I’ve heard over and over again throughout my life, and I do know it at an intellectual level… But, in this day and age (even though I’m nearing 40) I still expect instant or quick results in everything I do. When I want something, I Want it Now. Or Yesterday. I have little or even No patience in most of my current projects and goals. With the internet the way it is now, with Google, I have a world of knowledge at my fingertips – All The Time.       Why Do We Want Things Instantly So Much? It is…